Fat Cow Skin – From Minimal Presence to Success with Google Ads

Client: Fat Cow Skin
Industry: Skincare
Website: Fat Cow Skin


Fat Cow Skin, a skincare brand specialising in products made with natural ingredients, approached us with the goal of increasing their online visibility and boosting sales. Prior to working with us, they had minimal presence on Google Ads and were struggling to generate significant traffic and sales through paid advertising.


  1. Lack of Visibility: The brand had little to no visibility on Google, which made it difficult to drive qualified traffic to their website.
  2. Limited Budget: Fat Cow Skin had a limited advertising budget, so it was critical to ensure that every pound spent would deliver maximum value.
  3. Competitive Market: The skincare industry is highly competitive, with major players already dominating search results.


To overcome these challenges, we implemented a multi-faceted approach:

  1. Google Shopping Campaigns: We set up Google Shopping ads to display Fat Cow Skin products in front of potential customers actively searching for skincare products.
  2. Performance Max Campaigns: To leverage Google’s machine learning capabilities, we launched Performance Max (PMax) campaigns, optimising for conversions and conversion value.
  3. Dynamic Bidding Strategies: We employed Google’s “Maximize Conversion Value” bidding strategy to ensure that the budget was being used to achieve the highest possible return on investment (ROI).
  4. A/B Testing: We continuously tested ad creatives, product titles, and product descriptions to find the best-performing combinations.
  5. Conversion Tracking: Implemented robust tracking to measure conversions from multiple channels and to understand the customer journey better.


From January 2024 to September 2024, the performance of Fat Cow Skin’s Google Ads campaigns exceeded expectations. Below are the key metrics:

  • Impressions: 2,560,255 potential customers saw Fat Cow Skin’s products, greatly increasing brand visibility.
  • Conversions: The campaigns led to 4,628.04 conversions, driving a significant number of sales.
  • Cost per Acquisition (CPA): The CPA was brought down to an efficient £6.41 per conversion, maximizing the efficiency of the advertising spend.
  • Conversion Rate: A highly effective conversion rate of 8.35% was achieved, reflecting the high relevance of the ads to the audience.
  • Conversion Value: The total conversion value generated was £118,215.14, proving that the campaigns were driving high-quality traffic.
  • Average Order Value (AOV): The AOV stood at £25.54, showing that the brand’s products resonated well with the target audience.


Through careful optimisation, A/B testing, and the use of Google Ads’ automation tools, we were able to take Fat Cow Skin from minimal visibility to a successful Google Ads campaign generating significant revenue. The client is now able to compete effectively in the crowded skincare market, and their ads continue to deliver strong results, with ongoing optimisations ensuring sustained growth.

Ready to scale your brand with Google Ads? Contact us today and let’s discuss how we can help you achieve similar success!

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